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Carver High School

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Carver High School

Winston Salem, NC

Carver High School
3545 Carver School Road
Winston Salem, NC  27105
Phone: 743-727-2987
Forsyth County

CarolinaSchoolHub Rating: 2 out of 10 stars

Grades Served: 9-12
Enrollment: 664
Type: Regular School
Carver High School

Carver High School

Metro Area Ranking

Metro Area High School Ranking: Carver High School is ranked #17 out of 21 of the best high schools in Winston-Salem and surrounding areas (19th percentile). Cick the link to see all 21 high schools.

State Ranking

Statewide High School Ranking: Carver High School is ranked #409 out of 449 of the best high schools in North Carolina (9th percentile). Click the link to see all 449 high schools.

Overall, Carver High School is a 2-star school (on a scale of 1 to 10 stars) based on CarolinaSchoolHub’s analysis. The school is located in Forsyth County, NC. Carver High School has an enrollment of approximately 664 students and serves grades 9-12. Below you’ll find information about this school’s test scores and more.

(Exceeded Growth)
Student Growth Score: Carver High School had a Student Growth Score of 85.3. This placed Carver High School in the 73rd percentile of 2385 North Carolina public schools with student growth data available. NCDPI’s growth score measures how well schools grow student achievement over time. Scores range from 50.0 to 100.0 - with 100.0 indicating the highest growth in student achievement and 50.0 indicating the lowest.

 North Carolina Letter Grades
  North Carolina Overall Letter Grade

Please note: The state of North Carolina assigns letter grades to public schools, on an A through F scale.


Student Enrollment Trend

Diversity Indicators

 American Indian - N/A
 American Indian - N/A
 Asian - N/A
 Asian - N/A
 Black - 52%
 Black - 52%
 Hispanic - 41%
 Hispanic - 41%
 Two or More Races - 3%
 Two or More Races - 3%
 Pacific Islander - N/A
 Pacific Islander - N/A
 White - 3%
 White - 3%

Please note: The numbers above represent combined percentages of end-of-grade and end-of-course tests taken by students at Carver High School for the 2022-2023 school year, as reported by the NCDPI. Actual percentages of students may vary somewhat from those indicated.

North Carolina Standardized Tests
Average ACT Scores
Subject Average Score at
This School
Average Score
This School's State
Percentile Rating
State Percentile
State Average of
All NC Schools
State Average
English 12.1 12th 16.0
Math 14.9 14th 17.5
Reading 14.4 17th 18.2
Science 14.9 15th 17.9

Nearly all North Carolina public and charter school students who are enrolled in grade 11 for the first time are required to take the ACT. In the chart above, you can get a sense for how the average ACT scores at Carver High stack up against those of other high schools in North Carolina.

Graduation Rate
 68% - Carver High School
 88% - Median of North Carolina high schools
 68% - Carver High School
 88% - Median of North Carolina high schools

End of Course Scores

EOC Biology

 56% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
 56% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
 < 5% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
 < 5% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
 33% - Level 4 (Solid)
 33% - Level 4 (Solid)
 10% - Level 5 (Superior)
 10% - Level 5 (Superior)

EOC English 2

 71% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
 71% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
 15% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
 15% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
 14% - Level 4 (Solid)
 14% - Level 4 (Solid)
 < 5% - Level 5 (Superior)
 < 5% - Level 5 (Superior)

EOC Math I

 87% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
 87% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
 11% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
 11% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
 < 5% - Level 4 (Solid)
 < 5% - Level 4 (Solid)
 < 5% - Level 5 (Superior)
 < 5% - Level 5 (Superior)

School test scores, student data and teacher data are from North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) information for the 2022-2023 school year. Rankings for Carver High School and other area schools were developed by CarolinaSchoolHub.

Regular Schools Nearby

School Name Stars Distance City Grades
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Petree Elementary School
1.7 miles Winston-Salem PK-5
Atkins Academic & Tech High School
1.8 miles Winston-Salem 9-12
Ibraham Elementary School
1.8 miles Winston Salem PK-5
Winston-Salem Preparatory Academy
1.8 miles Winston-Salem 6-12
Appalachian Academy at Middle Fork
2.2 miles Walkertown K-5
Mineral Springs Elementary School
2.2 miles Winston Salem PK-5
Mineral Springs Middle School
2.3 miles Winston Salem 6-8
J F Kennedy High School
2.4 miles Winston Salem 6-12
North Hills Elementary School
2.7 miles Winston-Salem PK-5
Kimberley Park Elementary School
2.9 miles Winston Salem PK-5
The Downtown School
3.2 miles Winston Salem PK-8
Virtual Academy
3.2 miles Winston-Salem PK-12
Paisley IB Magnet School
3.2 miles Winston Salem 6-1
Cook Literacy Model School
3.3 miles Winston-Salem PK-5
School Name Stars Distance Grades
Ashley Academy
1.4 miles PK-5
Petree Elementary School
1.7 miles PK-5
Atkins Academic & Tech High School
1.8 miles 9-12
Ibraham Elementary School
1.8 miles PK-5
Winston-Salem Preparatory Academy
1.8 miles 6-12
Appalachian Academy at Middle Fork
2.2 miles K-5
Mineral Springs Elementary School
2.2 miles PK-5
Mineral Springs Middle School
2.3 miles 6-8
J F Kennedy High School
2.4 miles 6-12
North Hills Elementary School
2.7 miles PK-5
Kimberley Park Elementary School
2.9 miles PK-5
The Downtown School
3.2 miles PK-8
Virtual Academy
3.2 miles PK-12
Paisley IB Magnet School
3.2 miles 6-1
Cook Literacy Model School
3.3 miles PK-5

Charters Schools Nearby

School Name Stars Distance City Grades
Quality Education Academy
1.1 miles Winston-Salem K-12
The Arts Based School
2.9 miles Winston-Salem K-8
Carter G. Woodson School
4.8 miles Winston-Salem K-12
Forsyth Academy
5.7 miles Winston-Salem K-8
NC Leadership Charter Academy
8.1 miles Kernersville K-12
Cornerstone Charter Academy
13.8 miles Greensboro K-12
Phoenix Academy
15.1 miles High Point K-11
Revolution Academy
16.9 miles Summerfield K-8
Summerfield Charter Academy
17.5 miles Summerfield K-8
Greensboro Academy
18.7 miles Greensboro K-8
School Name Stars Distance Grades
Quality Education Academy
1.1 miles K-12
The Arts Based School
2.9 miles K-8
Carter G. Woodson School
4.8 miles K-12
Forsyth Academy
5.7 miles K-8
NC Leadership Charter Academy
8.1 miles K-12
Cornerstone Charter Academy
13.8 miles K-12
Phoenix Academy
15.1 miles K-11
Revolution Academy
16.9 miles K-8
Summerfield Charter Academy
17.5 miles K-8
Greensboro Academy
18.7 miles K-8