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Cherry Park Elementary School of Language Immersion

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Cherry Park Elementary School of Language Immersion

Rock Hill, SC

Cherry Park Elementary School of Language Immersion
1835 Eden Terrace
Rock Hill, SC  29730
Phone: 803-985-2255
York County

CarolinaSchoolHub Rating: 9 out of 10 stars

Grades Served: K-5
Enrollment: 783
Type: Regular School
Cherry Park Elementary School of Language Immersion

Cherry Park Elementary School of Language Immersion

Metro Area Ranking

Metro Area Elementary School Ranking: Cherry Park Elementary School of Language Immersion is ranked #15 of 52 of the best elementary schools in Fort Mill and surrounding areas (71st percentile). Click the link to see all 52 elementary schools.

State Ranking

Statewide Elementary School Ranking: Cherry Park Elementary School of Language Immersion is ranked #83 out of 664 of the best elementary schools in South Carolina (87th percentile). Click the link to see all 664 elementary schools.

Overall, Cherry Park Elementary School of Language Immersion is a 9-star school (on a scale of 1 to 10 stars) based on CarolinaSchoolHub’s analysis of South Carolina Schools. The school is located in York County, SC. Cherry Park Elementary School of Language Immersion has an enrollment of approximately 783 students and serves grades K-5. Below you’ll find information about this school’s test scores and more.

Map of School Zone - Cherry Park Elementary School of Language Immersion


Student Progress Rating

Elementary School Progress Rating: BELOW AVERAGE

South Carolina Standardized Tests

SC Ready Test Results


Grade Average Score at
This School
This School's State
Percentile Rating
State Average of
All SC Schools
3 544.6 95th 460.8
4 595.5 87th 534.5
5 629.9 85th 576.2


Grade Average Score State Percentile State Average
3 544.6 95th 460.8
4 595.5 87th 534.5
5 629.9 85th 576.2


Grade Average Score at
This School
This School's State
Percentile Rating
State Average of
All SC Schools
3 524.8 90th 458.6
4 541 85th 487.8
5 558.7 74th 535.1


Grade Average Score State Percentile State Average
3 524.8 90th 458.6
4 541 85th 487.8
5 558.7 74th 535.1

Rankings for schools were created independently by Carolina School Hub. The test data for this site was derived from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and South Carolina Department of Education.

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