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Saluda Trail Middle School

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Saluda Trail Middle School

Rock Hill, SC

Saluda Trail Middle School
2300 Saluda Road
Rock Hill, SC  29730
Phone: 803-981-1800
York County

CarolinaSchoolHub Rating: 6 out of 10 stars

Grades Served: 6-8
Enrollment: 780
Type: Regular School
Saluda Trail Middle School

Saluda Trail Middle School

Metro Area Ranking

Metro Area Middle School Ranking: Saluda Trail Middle School is ranked #14 of 21 of the best middle schools in Fort Mill and surrounding areas (33rd percentile). Cick the link to see all 21 middle schools.

State Ranking

Statewide Middle School Ranking: Saluda Trail Middle School is ranked #156 out of 326 of the best middle schools in South Carolina (52nd percentile). Click the link to see all 326 middle schools.

Overall, Saluda Trail Middle School is a 6-star school (on a scale of 1 to 10 stars) based on CarolinaSchoolHub’s analysis of South Carolina Schools. The school is located in York County, SC. Saluda Trail Middle School has an enrollment of approximately 780 students and serves grades 6-8. Below you’ll find information about this school’s test scores and more.