Success Institute Charter School
Statesville, NC
Success Institute Charter School
1424-2 Rickert St
Phone: 704-881-0441Statesville, NC 28677 Iredell County
Grades Served: K-8
Enrollment: 95
Metro Area Ranking
Metro Area Elementary School Ranking: Success Institute Charter School is ranked #271 of 332 of the best elementary schools
in Charlotte and surrounding areas (18th percentile).
Click the link to see all 332 elementary schools.
Metro Area Middle School Ranking: Success Institute Charter School is ranked #111 of 171 of the best middle schools
in Charlotte and surrounding areas (35th percentile).
Cick the link to see all 171 middle schools.
State Ranking
Statewide Elementary School Ranking: Success Institute Charter School is ranked #1318 out of 1536 of the best elementary schools
in North Carolina (14th percentile).
Click the link to see all 1536 elementary schools.
Statewide Middle School Ranking: Success Institute Charter School is ranked #538 out of 774
of the best middle schools
in North Carolina (30th percentile).
Click the link to see all 774 middle schools.
Overall, Success Institute Charter School is a 3-star school (on a scale of 1 to 10 stars) based on CarolinaSchoolHub’s analysis. The school is located in Iredell County, NC and is an independent charter school.
(Exceeded Growth)
Student Growth Score: Success Institute Charter School had a Student Growth Score of 86.5. This placed Success Institute Charter School in the 75th percentile of 2385 North Carolina public schools with student growth data available. NCDPI’s growth score measures how well schools grow student achievement over time. Scores range from 50.0 to 100.0 - with 100.0 indicating the highest growth in student achievement and 50.0 indicating the lowest.
(Exceeded Growth)
North Carolina Letter Grades
| North Carolina Overall Letter Grade |
| North Carolina Math Letter Grade |
| North Carolina Reading Letter Grade |
Please note: The state of North Carolina assigns letter grades to public schools, on an A through F scale.
Success Institute Charter School - Homes
Student Enrollment Trend
North Carolina Standardized Tests
End of Grade Tests
EOG Math Grade 4
< 5% - Level 5 (Superior)8% - Level 4 (Solid)
23% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
69% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
EOG Math Grade 6
< 5% - Level 5 (Superior)< 5% - Level 4 (Solid)
15% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
85% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
EOG Math Grade 7
< 5% - Level 5 (Superior)17% - Level 4 (Solid)
8% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
75% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
EOG Reading Grade 4
< 5% - Level 5 (Superior)23% - Level 4 (Solid)
23% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
54% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
EOG Reading Grade 6
< 5% - Level 5 (Superior)8% - Level 4 (Solid)
54% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
39% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
EOG Reading Grade 7
8% - Level 5 (Superior)8% - Level 4 (Solid)
42% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
42% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
School test scores, student data and teacher data are from North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) information for the 2022-2023 school year. Rankings for Success Institute Charter School and other area schools were developed by CarolinaSchoolHub.