Warlick Academy
Gastonia, NC
Warlick Academy
1316 Spencer Mountain Road
Phone: 704-836-9608Gastonia, NC 28054 Gaston County
Grades Served: 6-12
Enrollment: 175
Metro Area Ranking
Metro Area Middle School Ranking: Warlick Academy is ranked #167 of 171 of the best middle schools
in Charlotte and surrounding areas (2nd percentile).
Cick the link to see all 171 middle schools.
State Ranking
Statewide Middle School Ranking: Warlick Academy is ranked #759 out of 774
of the best middle schools
in North Carolina (2nd percentile).
Click the link to see all 774 middle schools.
Overall, Warlick Academy is a 1-star school (on a scale of 1 to 10 stars) based on CarolinaSchoolHub’s analysis. The school is located in Gaston County, NC. Warlick Academy has an enrollment of approximately 175 students and serves grades 6-12. Below you’ll find information about this school’s test scores and more.
North Carolina Letter Grades
| North Carolina Overall Letter Grade |
Please note: The state of North Carolina assigns letter grades to public schools, on an A through F scale.
Map of School Zone - Warlick Academy
Student Enrollment Trend
Diversity Indicators
Black - 55%
Hispanic - 6%
Two or More Races - 11%
White - 29%
Please note: The numbers above represent combined percentages of end-of-grade and end-of-course tests taken by students at Warlick Academy for the 2022-2023 school year, as reported by the NCDPI. Actual percentages of students may vary somewhat from those indicated.
North Carolina Standardized Tests
End of Grade Tests
EOG Math Grade 7
< 5% - Level 5 (Superior)< 5% - Level 4 (Solid)
8% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
92% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
EOG Math Grade 8
< 5% - Level 5 (Superior)< 5% - Level 4 (Solid)
< 5% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
> 95% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
EOG Reading Grade 7
< 5% - Level 5 (Superior)< 5% - Level 4 (Solid)
9% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
91% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
EOG Reading Grade 8
< 5% - Level 5 (Superior)7% - Level 4 (Solid)
9% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
84% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
EOG Science Grade 8
< 5% - Level 5 (Superior)7% - Level 4 (Solid)
9% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
84% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)
End of Course Scores
EOC Biology
> 95% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)< 5% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
< 5% - Level 4 (Solid)
< 5% - Level 5 (Superior)
EOC English 2
93% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)< 5% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
< 5% - Level 4 (Solid)
< 5% - Level 5 (Superior)
EOC Math I
> 95% - Level 1 & 2 (Not Proficient)< 5% - Level 3 (At Grade Level)
< 5% - Level 4 (Solid)
< 5% - Level 5 (Superior)
School test scores, student data and teacher data are from North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) information for the 2022-2023 school year. Rankings for Warlick Academy and other area schools were developed by CarolinaSchoolHub.