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West Florence High School

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West Florence High School

Florence, SC

West Florence High School
221 North Beltline Drive
Florence, SC  29501
Phone: 843-664-8472
Florence County

CarolinaSchoolHub Rating: 5 out of 10 stars

Grades Served: 9-12
Enrollment: 1,807
Type: Regular School
West Florence High School

West Florence High School

Metro Area Ranking

Metro Area High School Ranking: West Florence High School is ranked #4 out of 11 of the best high schools in Florence and surrounding areas (64th percentile). Cick the link to see all 11 high schools.

State Ranking

Statewide High School Ranking: West Florence High School is ranked #96 out of 180 of the best high schools in South Carolina (47th percentile). Click the link to see all 180 high schools.

Overall, West Florence High School is a 5-star school (on a scale of 1 to 10 stars) based on CarolinaSchoolHub’s analysis of South Carolina Schools. The school is located in Florence County, SC. West Florence High School has an enrollment of approximately 1,807 students and serves grades 9-12. Below you’ll find information about this school’s test scores and more.

South Carolina Standardized Tests
Average ACT Scores
Subject Average Score at
This School
Average Score
This School's State
Percentile Rating
State Percentile
State Average of
All SC Schools
State Average
English 17 46th 17.0
Math 17.1 34th 18.0
Reading 19.3 57th 19.2
Science 18.7 50th 18.7

The ACT, a college readiness assessment, was given to every South Carolina senior in 2024 with the exception of those eligible for alternate assessments. The ACT scores range from 0 to 36. State averages for ACT data are based on regular public schools and do not include private schools in the state. In the chart above, you can get a sense for how the average ACT scores at West Florence High stack up against those of other high schools in South Carolina.

End-of-Course Tests
Subject Average Score at
This School
Average Score
State Average of
All SC Schools
State Average
English 1 75.37 77.62
Algebra 1 66.47 69.07
Biology 1 63.44 66.74

Average SAT Scores
Subject Average Score at
This School
Average Score
Reading 506
Math 464
Composite Score 970
SAT Participation Rate 50 %

West Florence High had an average SAT score of 970 (math and reading combined). This means the school’s average SAT scores ranked #91 out of 225 SC high schools (60th percentile). On this site, you can see the SAT scores of South Carolina high schools. The SAT participation rate at West Florence High was 50% in our most recently available data. Above you can also see how the school’s ACT scores compare to other schools in South Carolina.

Graduation Rate
 94% - West Florence High School
 87% - Median of South Carolina high schools
 94% - West Florence High School
 87% - Median of South Carolina high schools

Rankings for schools were created independently by Carolina School Hub. The test data for this site was derived from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and South Carolina Department of Education.

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1.9 miles Florence K-5
John W. Moore Middle School
1.9 miles Florence 6-8
Henry L. Sneed Middle School
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2.2 miles Florence K-5
Briggs Elementary School
2.9 miles Florence K-5
Virtus Academy of South Carolina
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3.2 miles Effingham K-5
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3.5 miles Florence 6-8
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3.7 miles Florence PK-5
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5.2 miles Florence 6-8
South Florence High School
5.3 miles Florence 9-12
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School Name Stars Distance Grades
Carver Elementary School
1.5 miles K-5
Delmae Heights Elementary School
1.6 miles K-5
Lucy T. Davis Elementary School
1.9 miles K-5
John W. Moore Middle School
1.9 miles 6-8
Henry L. Sneed Middle School
1.9 miles 6-8
Royall Elementary School
2.2 miles K-5
Briggs Elementary School
2.9 miles K-5
Virtus Academy of South Carolina
3.0 miles K-10
Savannah Grove Elementary School
3.2 miles K-5
Williams Middle School
3.5 miles 6-8
North Vista Elementary School
3.7 miles PK-5
Southside Middle School
5.2 miles 6-8
South Florence High School
5.3 miles 9-12
Wilson High School
5.6 miles 9-12
Greenwood Elementary School
6.5 miles K-5

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