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Winston-Salem Area Public Schools
Best Elementary Schools in Winston-Salem Area
Best Middle Schools in Winston-Salem Area
Best High Schools in Winston-Salem Area
Winston-Salem Area Charter Schools

Greensboro Area Public Schools
Best Elementary Schools in Greensboro Area
Best Middle Schools in Greensboro Area
Best High Schools in Greensboro Area
Greensboro Area Charter Schools

North Carolina Schools
Best NC Elementary Schools
Best NC Middle Schools
Best NC High Schools

Best Schools in Winston-Salem NC

Are you looking for information on schools in Winston-Salem, NC and surrounding areas? Below you'll find rankings and other information on elementary, middle and high schools in the Winston-Salem school district and surrounding districts as well - including traditional public schools and charter schools. You can click on a specific school name below for more information on test scores, student data and more.

Winston-Salem NC Schools - Click any of the pushpins below to see more details on each school

Schools in the Winston-Salem, NC Area- Rankings and Data

Charter Schools in the Winston-Salem, NC Area

School Name City Grades
CSH Stars
(Out of 10)
The Arts Based School Winston-Salem, NC K-8 Charter 9
Quality Education Academy Winston-Salem, NC K-12 Charter 4
Forsyth Academy Winston-Salem, NC K-8 Charter 3
Carter G. Woodson School Winston-Salem, NC K-12 Charter 1

Choosing a Winston-Salem NC School

Whether you're looking for a Winston-Salem, North Carolina traditional public school or a charter school, you've come to the right place. We have test scores, independent rankings and student data on elementary schools, middle schools and high schools in the greater Charlotte metro area including Winston-Salem. Use CarolinaSchoolHub to find the best schools in Winston-Salem, NC and other surrounding towns.

Rankings for the best schools in the Winston-Salem, NC area were created independently by Carolina School Hub. The test data for this site was derived from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and South Carolina Department of Education.